Happy 2014, the year in which you will write that novel — or short story, or essay, or memoir, or poem, or all of the above. Amicus Scriptor will appear in even-numbered months in 2014, and I’ll be responding to “questions from the audience” as well as continuing to support you in your creative writing...Read More
Read all about it in today’s Chicago Tribune, Lifestyle section. Reproduced below: chicagotribune.com Remarkable Woman Mary Hutchings Reed, lawyer turned writer Lawyer fulfills long-deferred dream of being a writer By Bill Daley, Tribune Newspapers 12:00 AM CST, January 24, 2014 Mary Hutchings Reed had three Ivy League degrees, launched her legal career in 1976 and...Read More
Unlike so many well-intentioned but ill-fated New Year’s resolutions, if yours is to finally write that novel you’ve been dreaming about for years, you’ve chosen one that’s easy to keep. The “write my novel in 2014” resolution is ambitious but doable, and comfortably so. Unlike the marathon of National Novel Writing Month, the novel-in-a-year plan...Read More
What to give the attorney who has everything? ‘Tis the season for that challenging question. Perhaps Scott Turow’s newest, “Identical” (Grand Central Publishing), Chicago attorney Thomas R. Leavens’ “Music Law for the General Practitioner (ABA) or, hey, even my own “Courting Kathleen Hannigan” (Ampersand) or “Warming Up” (She Writes Press)? That would be so...Read More
Happy to say I finished NaNoWriMo with the first very rough draft of an untitled novel that might be in a unique genre called Christian Legal PsychoDrama. But it’s at least a year away from seeing the light of day. Just happy to have the “clay” for the coming year. Thanks to The Office of...Read More
November is National Novel Writing Month — or “NaNoWriMo” for short. The idea is that you start writing a novel on Nov. 1 and, even though the month is one day shy of “normal,” you will produce a novel by midnight on Nov. 30. The organizers, a “tiny but mighty” nonprofit called the Office of...Read More
Amicus Script or sidebar to my Law Bulletin October column, published Nov. 1. HOW TO WRITE A LOT OF WORDS FAST. 1. Set a timer for 50 minutes. Start writing. 2. Inhabit a scene. See, hear and write everything. 3. Dissect an action — write it out in excruciating, step-by-step detail. 4. Examine...Read More
Here’s my guest blog post on SheWrites.com’s Behind the Book. The other day I autographed my novel, Warming Up, published by She Writes Press, for a friend of a friend who I was told was a writer herself. Since my novel is, in part, about talented artists who are unable, at the start of the...Read More
Amicus Scriptor September 27, 2013 Last month, I encouraged you to submit your story or self-contained novel excerpt to a magazine, journal or contest. And today, you may be all ready to go — story polished, guidelines followed, deadline still pending in the future. But perhaps you haven’t yet worked up the...Read More