
New Year’s Resolution: Write a Novel

Unlike so many well-intentioned but ill-fated New Year’s resolutions, if yours is to finally write that novel you’ve been dreaming about for years, you’ve chosen one that’s easy to keep.  The “write my novel in 2014” resolution is ambitious but doable, and comfortably so. Unlike the marathon of National Novel Writing Month, the novel-in-a-year plan […]

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Holiday Book-giving–Naughty or Nice?

  What to give the attorney who has everything? ‘Tis the season for that challenging question. Perhaps Scott Turow’s newest, “Identical” (Grand Central Publishing), Chicago attorney Thomas R. Leavens’ “Music Law for the General Practitioner (ABA) or, hey, even my own “Courting Kathleen Hannigan” (Ampersand) or “Warming Up” (She Writes Press)? That would be so […]

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Finished NaNoWriMo!

Happy to say I finished NaNoWriMo with the first very rough draft of an untitled novel that might be in a unique genre called Christian Legal PsychoDrama.  But it’s at least a year away from seeing the light of day.  Just happy to have the “clay” for the coming year.  Thanks to The Office of […]

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National Novel Writing Month–Time to Write!

November is National Novel Writing Month — or “NaNoWriMo” for short. The idea is that you start writing a novel on Nov. 1 and, even though the month is one day shy of “normal,” you will produce a novel by midnight on Nov. 30. The organizers, a “tiny but mighty” nonprofit called the Office of […]

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LCA pens series to help artists speak the language of the law

BY JENN BALLARD  LAW BULLETIN STAFF WRITER After 37 years of practice, Mary HutchingsReed is accustomed to interpreting the law for her clients. “I practice in an area w here my clients tend not to be law yers,” she said of her w ork handling marketing, advertising, trademark, copyright and entertainment law matters. “I tend to work […]

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