My new short story collection, KIND EYES, is available today on amazon.com. If you buy it today (in print or for Kindle), maybe we can make it a best-seller. (In fiction–for the day, anyway. How to lie with statistics!)
For each copy bought this week, I will donate $1 to save Steel Beam in honor of its founder, my sister, Donna Steele (with an e).
And wouldn’t it be fun to have a “best seller”? As a a former advertising lawyer, imagine what I could do with that claim!!
And again, my thanks to independent publisher Suzie Isaacs at Ampersand, Inc. for her many services (and the subtitle) and to David Robson, Robson Design, for an intriguing cover, and to those who gave me pre-publication blurbs: Fred Shafer, Lois Barliant, Lucia Blinn, Linda Keane, G.W. (“Bill”) Kennedy, Delia O’Hara and Donna Steele.