I was thrilled to get this fabulous review for KIND EYES from a reviewer for the BookLife Prize. Finalists will be announced in October.
Plot/Idea: With grace and vitality, Kind Eyes explores the inherent goodness of the human animal in full display, through the examination of the interconnected nature of seemingly disparate lives.
Prose: Reed’s skillfully applied prose reads like a well-crafted crescendo of ebbs and flows. Strikingly vivid characters engage the reader, making easy lifting for the imagination, even as the work carries significant emotional weight.
Originality: Mary Hutchings Reed is a master of craft and Kind Eyes excels at capturing and conjuring authentic human emotion. By focusing on the circumstances of mundane lives, the work is brilliant in its simplicity, and complex in its examination of the human condition.
Character/Execution: The interwoven characters within Kind Eyes are seamless. Reed expertly portrays their depth and individuality through engaging moments of quiet conflict, pain, and personal reflection.