From Amicus Scriptor, August 28, 2015: Although I fully retired from the practice of law a few months ago, as we approach September I again feel — as I do every year — the “back-to-school” excitement of my youth. New teacher! New clothes! (Well, at least a new uniform!) New school supplies!Read More
I was so humbled and honored to receive LAF’s Champion for Justice Award at LAF’s annual luncheon at the Palmer House. So surprised, and thrilled that Michelle Obama sent a video (soon to be posted on LAF’s Facebook page) . This is the gist of my acceptance speech: Read More
It’s officially summer. Although it’s been almost 40 years since it mattered, every May and June feels like the end of the school year. Tired of studying. Tired of the “required” reading. Tired of talking about school subjects, about mock arguments, practice trials, law notes, senior papers. Looking forward to a summer job...Read More
“How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards.” So says the Spanish proverb, loaded as it is with spiritual instruction on humility, the passing of time, the transience of footprints on the beach. Beautiful, perhaps, but difficult.Read More
Goodreads Book Giveaway Saluting the Sun by Mary Hutchings Reed Giveaway ends May 15, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to WinRead More
If you like mysteries, and especially if you like baseball, my friend Bill Kennedy (G.W.) is a wonderful writer! DEAD ARM, his newest, is just out! Bill and I are both students of Fred Shafer, the best literary coach in Chicago, as far as I’m concerned. Dead Arm As a favor to a faculty colleague,...Read More
Thanks to everyone who came to the official launch of Saluting the Sun last night. LAF’s Jennifer Payne shared with us examples of the work they do with families and victims of domestic violence. STS is not necessarily “about” domestic violence (although we hope it contributes to that important public conversation), as much as it...Read More