
Women’s Character Fiction–What is it?

I write fiction that aspires to be literary, meaning that it’s well-written in terms of vocabulary and style, but not high literary, meaning its fairly accessible to a person of average education and intelligence, but some of both is required. My agent has called it “women’s fiction” because she thinks it is the kind of […]

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Locating the best and right word

Try It’s absolutely essential if you want to write rhyming poetry with any hope of avoiding the obvious. Be careful, though — desperate use of rhymezone may cause groans. Also, offers a “word of the day” and fun facts, like the medical word for sunburn, “erythema solare,” and word games employing techniques magicians […]

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Producing a Book in a Month?

Just pushed the “publish” button on a 193 page paperback, pferfect bound history of Lawyers for the Creative Arts called “LCA:  The First Forty Years.”  I spent some time going through the existing minutes of this nonprofit legal services organization which provides pro bono services to emerging artists and arts organizations.  Found the names of […]

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Perfectly good enough

I just made 30+ minor edits to Warming Up, the novel which will be published by She Writes Press in the fall. This is after my agent sent her 30+ “pick-ups” over the weekend–little things like commas, and extra spaces, and the occasional clunker of a word. This, after the thing has been read word-for-word […]

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