What to give the attorney who has everything? ‘Tis the season for that challenging question. Perhaps Scott Turow’s newest, “Identical” (Grand Central Publishing), Chicago attorney Thomas R. Leavens’ “Music Law for the General Practitioner (ABA) or, hey, even my own “Courting Kathleen Hannigan” (Ampersand) or “Warming Up” (She Writes Press)? That would be so...Read More
BY JENN BALLARD LAW BULLETIN STAFF WRITER After 37 years of practice, Mary HutchingsReed is accustomed to interpreting the law for her clients. “I practice in an area w here my clients tend not to be law yers,” she said of her w ork handling marketing, advertising, trademark, copyright and entertainment law matters. “I tend to work...Read More
A friend of a friend just wrote to me: “I just finished “Warming Up,” and wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it. If I could write a novel like that, I think I would really feel like I made a contribution to our society. It has so many terrific elements and themes. But,...Read More
Thanks to Women & Children First for a wonderful evening reading at their store May 9. Thanks to everyone who attended, also! Owner Linda Bubon shared half the “pass the hat” Women’s Voices Fund collection with The Night Ministry. She is always so generous to good causes as well as women and local authors. Read More
FOR THE CAUSE: Guest blogged today (4/25/2013) at WhereWritersWin.com For the Cause: Indie Publishing and Affinity Marketing One of the hardest things for me to do as an independently published author (a.k.a. “self-published”) is to hawk my own books. Yes, I know that every author, even those published by traditional presses, must market, market, market,...Read More
Publishing makes a writer an author March 29, 2013 By Mary Hutchings Reed This is my 12th column in this space, the month when those who’ve been following the page-a-day program are finishing your first drafts (you are, aren’t you?) and dreaming of your appearance on Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 and The New York Times Best...Read More
Non-Billable Hours By Mary Hutchings Reed February 1, 2013 We’ve been writing together since April and have written past any blocks; returned to the path fromdiversionary research frolics; and been inspired by the writings of our favorite authors. But even as the manuscript grows, we might be feeling a bit of insecurity....Read More
December 21, 2012By Mary Hutchings ReedIf you’re a lawyer, you’ve honed the skill of interviewing clients and deposing witnesses. You know how to ask the same question a dozen different ways to clarify an answer, and you know how to ask a leading question, even if the objection will be sustained. But do...Read More
IOctober 19, 2012 f you’ve been with us since April and been diligent about your writing on a daily basis, there is a good chance that you have at least 80 pages by now. Isn’t that remarkable? Yes, it is! You may deserve a break today, but I’m here to caution you not to take...Read More